Location: South Carolina

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Back on Track

I am back, plugging away. Like most of us, I can really concentrate on eating but have less success eating well. Since last May, I actually lost about 10 pounds without "really" trying but it was the same ten I have been toying with for years. I went in for bloodwork recently and everything was great except for a weirdly low good cholesterol number. I do want to get some of this weight off as I've got kids to cart around and need to be in better shape so I have resolved to take this thing serioulsy for a while. I ate great for about two weeks, went on a weekend camping trip where I ate awful but exercised enough to counteract it, and have been on a calorie counting binge for the last week and a half. I hated to break out the science but it had to be done. The result: I am at a ten-year low of 262 and hoping to go much lower. Why didn't anyone tell me they put calorie counts on the back of food packaging? I just looked at the pretty pictures on the front.


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