Location: South Carolina

Monday, March 19, 2007

4th Monday Weigh In


Yard Work. Yard Work. Yard Work.

I actually slipped up a little on the food this week with a couple of bigger meals and a few ill-advised snacks but was able to get back on the losing track by shoveling and hauling dirt. Snacks are a key item for me right now. As I am trying to eat small meals at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I need to have something available at the mid-points between those meals. My two main snacks right now are an ounce of smoked almonds at 150 calories or a light, Byers yogurt at 110 calories. Both have enough protein to stave off hunger for a bit without giving me too many calories. WhenI don't have those available though, I can easily grap a 200-300 calorie snack without thinking. Got to get to the store and stock up.

I am starting to get those, "are you sick?," comments from people who haven't seen me in a month or two. Far from it my friend. I'm getting healthy. 250 pounds and people think I look sickly. It's my fault for letting them get used to the Big Pirate.


Blogger Josh said...

Nice work. It looks at though you're serious! The comments will get better as you look better, believe me.

If you need some snacks, check out Instone Pudding, Muscle Milk and Oats, Ostrim, or Pure Protein bars. All good stuff.

10:48 AM  

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