A Pirate Looks at 300 (Pillaging is Fattening)

Location: South Carolina

Monday, April 24, 2006

Start it up

Fat Dan is not scared to lay it out there so neither am I.

I am just getting over an acute attack of Gout. Gout! How the hell does a Pirate get gout?

Years of bar-b-que and beer and a steady weight gain seem to have done it. I don't have the exact figures but I am guessing I am around 280 right now. My high has been in the 295 range (I was a biscuit away from 300). My low over the last five years has been 263. I have no idea what my goal is right now other than to feel better but I hope to post some soon.

My weight history as best I can recollect:

9th grade. 13 years old. 215 lbs. I was 6' 3" and haven't grown an inch since.
10th grade 251 lbs (peak of HS weight)
12th grade 222 lbs. (during football season)
216 lbs (at graduation)

Reporting weight to ECU. 17 years old. 225 lbs. (not too good for an offensive tackle. even in 1986)
Final football weight. 255 lbs. 1989 (muscled up. 400 lb. BP. solid legs. little gut. Of course, I "retired" immediately)
After college but before law school I worked a manual labor job and kept it around a solid 260 lbs. for about four years. I probably started law school in 1995 at 260.
Post law school to present. 270-285 range with no big swings either way.

I have slightly elevated blood pressure (maybe due to medication) and normal cholesterol (my "good" number is not very good though) as of my last blood work two years ago. I am going for updated work within the month.

The Plan

Rare buffet trips
Less red meat
More greens and fruits
Replace most beverages with water
Activity increase

I love vegetables and fruit so adding them to my diet doesn't hurt. I love fried chicken more so taking it out will.