A Pirate Looks at 300 (Pillaging is Fattening)

Location: South Carolina

Monday, September 10, 2007

No Monday Weigh In

It was a rough weekend. Feels as though bronchitis has set in. I cloaked my misery in leftover consumption while watching football on the couch all day Saturday and Sunday in between bouts of napping.

Last week, I had two nearly, meat free days. Cutting back on meat makes me cut back on fried potatoes and other fatty foods. I end up getting vegetable plates and the like which makes my body feel better. I am going to try to work in a meat free day or two a week from now on.

Also, I am going to make a concerted effort to cut out artificial sweeteners. I am letting folk tales get to me about their effect on the body. Every study I have seen shows no ill effects on health but I ma being a little superstitious right now. I still have some diet root beer to get through though. It's hard to cut that off completely.