A Pirate Looks at 300 (Pillaging is Fattening)

Location: South Carolina

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Horse is Elusive


After the bachelor party, of course, there was a wedding. Now, I love wedding food so that weekend went horribly wrong. Then came Easter and with three small kids in the house, candy was rampant. My willpower is not what it once was and I succumbed to sweet goodness on more than one occassion. On a positive note, I have done some serious digging and hauling of railroad ties the last two Saturdays. As long as I remain active, a bad run such as this should not affect me too much. If my wife reads this: please do not buy anything I should not eat. If it is in the house, I will probably eat it.

Today's victory- I stopped by Atlanta Bread Company on the way to work for a coffee. I used Splenda instead of sugar (can't resist the 2% though) and completely ignored the free pastry samples they were offering.