A Pirate Looks at 300 (Pillaging is Fattening)

Location: South Carolina

Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday Weigh In


Below 260 for the first time in a looooooooooong time. When I started the serious calorie counting two weeks ago, I resolved to not have two "bad" meals in a row. If I slipped at breakfast, I would get back on track at lunch. Well, I had a too-big lunch on Friday and a much too-big lunch on Sunday but didn't let it ruin my plan. I just ate smaller subsequent meals and actually ended the weekend a little lighter than I began it.

I haven't begun exercising yet but did clean up the exercise room on Satruday. We have a treadmill, recumbent bike, dumbells, bench, and heavy bag. I am going to try to get in there this week and start a plan.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Calories are Evil

I know they are nto really but I feel as though that is how I have to approach this issue. I try to cut something at every meal: No cream in my coffee, no bread with my salad, leave something on my plate. I have been keeping my days at around 1500 calories for almost two weeks now with just a few in the 2000 range. It appears as though my body has discovered what I am doing and has stopped shedding the weight at about a pound a day. Ahh, my first (expected) plateau. Time to break out the treadmill and shock the sytem a little more.

I did succesfully go to a bar-b-que buffet last Friday and eat reasonably (lots of green beans and cabbage, meat with vinegar sauce rather than sweet, no hash, no rice) and went out for a pre-poker happy hour on Tuesday (ate a small meal before going, thereby laying off the pizza at the beer joint and limiting myself to two and half glasses). Dangerous ground I know, but I feel as though I have to allow myself some freedom if I expect to stay the course for more than a month or two.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Back on Track

I am back, plugging away. Like most of us, I can really concentrate on eating but have less success eating well. Since last May, I actually lost about 10 pounds without "really" trying but it was the same ten I have been toying with for years. I went in for bloodwork recently and everything was great except for a weirdly low good cholesterol number. I do want to get some of this weight off as I've got kids to cart around and need to be in better shape so I have resolved to take this thing serioulsy for a while. I ate great for about two weeks, went on a weekend camping trip where I ate awful but exercised enough to counteract it, and have been on a calorie counting binge for the last week and a half. I hated to break out the science but it had to be done. The result: I am at a ten-year low of 262 and hoping to go much lower. Why didn't anyone tell me they put calorie counts on the back of food packaging? I just looked at the pretty pictures on the front.