A Pirate Looks at 300 (Pillaging is Fattening)

Location: South Carolina

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Monday Weigh In


I don;t feel as though I did anything to warrant a loss. It might just be natural fluctuation. There was some cake and ice cream over the weekend at a B-day party for our 3 year old but I held off on seconds. It's too hot to get outdoors in the shape I am in. I used to revel in exercising in the heat of the day. Now, I can't fathom the idea.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday Weigh In

263 lbs.

It has been a summer of BBQ and Beer. Fun. Fun.

But my back hurts, which makes my hip hurt, which makes me sleep light, which makes me grumpy.

I've never announced a goal here. It's easy to pretend I don't really have one. It makes it easy not to strive for one. It makes it easy to stop trying.


I am 6'3" and 185 puts me right in the BMI range the experts say I should be in. I haven't weighed 185 since seventh or eighth grade. 185 would give me a 15 pound cushion to 200.

Eighty pounds. About what my three kids weigh together right now.